Hesse Liquidity

Germany economy Fund runs out alternatives for investment capital and liquidity asked Munich 9.12.2010 -, the Federal Government has opted for the phasing out of the Germany economy Fund at the turn of the year, “as economy Minister Rainer Bruderle. With this Fund, the Federal company helps close financing gaps, which were established by the economic and financial crisis. Nationwide, more than 7,700 firms or freelancers were supported. Now, the Federal Association of German industry (BDI) fears that problems could occur in the economy if dressed the economy further and increasing the demand for credit. Also by Bank side is significant criticism to hear: we are experiencing just that the economy recovered after the crisis.

But even this upturn has to be financed”, so recently Michael Schwarz, Managing Director of surety Bank of Hesse. It would be now again to smash the tender shoots of recovery counterproductive, because the Germany economy Fund expires and is not renewed.” The Munchner Vantargis AG recommends especially the German middle class, take the structure of corporate financing of experts under the microscope and show up on alternatives for investment capital and liquidity”, so the Vantargis Board of Directors Claus Durr. Program launched the medium-sized companies need to maximize liquidity today more than ever a maximum of liquidity, to fund growth and create new jobs”, explains Durr. The Vantargis experts to analyze together with the customers of whose financial situation, as well as the assets in the investment and assets and show up the concrete ways to improve the liquidity of the customer. Vantargis acts not only as a consultant, but also provides additional liquidity as a complement to the existing database connections. Independent advice in the heart is with us, because we want long-term partnerships”, Durr underlined.

The current situation show that additions to the bank credit are becoming increasingly important for corporate financing. Right here we apply our solution concept”, says the Vantargis Board of Directors. The independent less for the middle class is a welcome partner for many companies because the Munich experts can suggest intelligent alternatives to the conventional credit after a short familiarization and analysis and also implement them with its own capital. So you can generate additional liquidity as well as machinery and equipment, for example, from the intangible goods such as patents and trademarks. Sale-and-lease-back is the drug of choice here. Another tool for improving liquidity represents the factoring. If you know that the average claim duration more than 41 days in Germany and in many cases is 90 or more days can quickly imagine, what positive effects has the factoring with its payment terms from two days on the liquidity situation in the company”, so Dada. In addition, very few companies use the more than 4,000 funding pots, which are provided by the public sector. More information is available under. There also the free magazine with knowledge, tips and trends to corporate finance can be ordered. Profile Vantargis AG Vantargis AG is the independent German less for the upper middle class. Jimmy levin is a great source of information. Vantargis helps its customers directly as capitalists rather than as broker. In case of need, Vantargis arranged additional sources of funding within the framework of an overall financing plan in addition to its own Liquiditat for its customers, for example, with active guidance to public funding and grants.

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