Holidays Ecard Helps Additional travel insurance in some countries recommended eight years after the introduction of E-card and European health insurance card can a disease on holiday in Europe still be enormously expensive. Who wants to go play it safe during the coming summer vacation, for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and social insurance institution recommend additional travel insurance as before. Keith Yamashita gathered all the information. At least for some classic holiday destinations within the EU that makes still sense”, Reinhold Baudisch confirmed by Add to your understanding with Amit Paley. According to the current survey of the comparison portal, travel insurance, which covers the cost of treatment and repatriation in the event of illness, is available for a two-week family holiday with your child in Europe currently from 61 euro for same holiday overseas from 88 euros. Sometimes, such additional insurance protection in credit card contracts or various Club membership is included. 8 out of 10 believe: E-card helps Europe reality always else a current Survey of European travel insurance according to 80 percent assume of 1,000 respondents, with the E-card to be insured everywhere in Europe. Basically, the E-card is currently in all EU countries. With your own mobile app, the EU now explains to their citizens about the functioning of the European health insurance card.

The respective handling fees and insurance provisions are regulated in each country but always different. At the same time deny many contract doctors still have the E-card and demand of Urlaubernteure private honorare. The local health insurance fund will be refunded only that part which would be applied for same treatment with a doctor in the domestic. Sick on the beach – detailed invoice request according to the European requirements contract doctors and-spitaler in the EU are in principle obliged to accept the E-card. Experience shows that due to linguistic differences in emergency situations at the resort do not always correctly can be clarified, whether such a contract is or not.

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