3 And 4D Ultrasounds

Technology at the service of motherhood, ultrasounds have brought a great revolution in prenatal controls. Before it was unthinkable to see the baby inside the womb.Ultrasonography 2D (two-dimensional) is the most widespread, but in recent years we have also known ultrasound 3D (three-dimensional), which allows us to see the appearance of volume of the baby, and the so-called 4 d ultrasound that adds the snap-in see the baby moving in real time. Gain insight and clarity with Suna Said. Below we will explain what is the best time of pregnancy to perform ultrasound 4 d and so you can enjoy of the best images of your unborn baby.3D and 4 d ultrasounds can be made at any time during pregnancy although the best images are obtained between weeks 24 and 30 because the conditions are most appropriate. The proportion of amniotic fluid and the intermediate size of the baby allow better visualize. Depending on the stage of gestation, ultrasound can be via transvaginal or abdominal via.

Either way, it is not advisable to perform before the week 12 of pregnancy because the aspect of fetal distara much of its definitive appearance. There are those who even impress is the appearance of your baby and no sense spending money that uses ultrasound to carry a disappointment. From week 12 and up to approximately 20 you can see the fetus as a whole seeing trunk and limbs at the same time, but the factions of the carita cannot be viewed as in detail. Instead, to perform towards the end of the second quarter or early in the third (around the 6th or 7th month) not see it full, but in parts but we will obtain images more real baby because their traits are now more defined and we can see it, for example, grimacing, sucking finger or by removing the tongue. As the baby grows the third quarter already it looks very similar to will have when born, but after the 32nd week its size, position and a lower proportion of amniotic fluid may hamper that we can see the baby sharp form or which can not well see the face. Ideally if you decide to become a 4 d ultrasound is therefore that you consider it in advance to make an appointment at the moment in which conditions are most suitable to view and fully enjoy the first images of your baby.

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