Survey On The Five Most Popular Holiday Gift

Self accumulated flotsam and Jetsam, ham, dust collector Regensburg, August 28, 2008 – self accumulated flotsam and Jetsam, clothes and trinkets of all kinds: according to the members of the social network are the most popular holiday gifts. Shells, sand and stones are ranked the brought souvenirs with almost 30 per cent of all entries. Second most new clothing and accessories are the return to German cases (18%), closely followed by the usual dust catchers such as Buddelschiffen and snow globes (14%). Be careful when coconut bikinis most popular among respondents and even collected shells, sand and stones (1st place) are conveniently free. Especially with new clothes, bags and jewelry (2nd place), you can make wrong little for women if the election not just on a Hawaiian coconut bikini, as one of the respondents noted. Top 5 of the most popular holiday gift 1 clams, sand, stones 29% 2.

clothing and accessories 18% 3. dust collector for the apartment 14% 4 food and drinks 12% 5. Absurdities 8% as a hot tip among the participants are the decorative home accessories place 3: whether Kenyan wood carvings, candle holder made out of shells or on ancient Greek trimmed vases. Highly sought after especially in males are according to the community local alcoholic beverages and meat products they are fourth and still ahead of absurdities such as Tunisian algal balls or magnetic Boomerang from Australia. The survey also shows that mostly souvenirs are given away, which are typical for the resort. As many participants as the reason for the choice of souvenirs indicated, want to bring a bit of holiday feeling the folks back home to home. As also emerged from the survey, have learned, after all, just 5 percent of those polled last thereby or unfavourable pro-Western customs controls and not treat others, but only themselves.

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