Farewell To The Diet – Carousel:

Weight loss with Optifast home – eat a healthy diet and lasting success Munich, 01 March 2011 with a diet to lose a few extra pounds is mostly light, but often the undesired Yo-Yo effect adjusts itself then and full of frustration followed another diet attempt. To break through this vicious circle developed experts new weight reduction program Optifast home, which aims to ensure safe and healthy to take off and to keep the weight permanently. The six-week online and phone-based program is ideal for people with a BMI between 25 and 30, who would lose quickly, flexibly and quickly annoying pounds. The medically based program benefits from the experience of the outpatient Optifast programs whose Erfolge are documented in numerous studies. Optifast home combines the advantages of a formula diet, which unlike many other diets effective fat mass reduces with coaching to a healthier eating habits and more lifestyle. The Participants are assisted by trained advisers by phone and email and plan the monitoring success together with them. All together makes a professional mobile program for successful weight loss over the change in the eating and physical activity”, explains Privatdozent Dr.

med. Thomas Ellrott, Director of the Institute of nutrition psychology at the University of Gottingen. The six-week intensive programme can be continued in the future by the participants even with stabilization programs and is thus based on the guidelines of the German society of obesity. With the formula diet specifically fat break down and are preserved muscle mass a success module of the new programme the formula products that wholly or partly replace normal meals. The products contain all the necessary nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates and essential fatty acids, but also vitamins, minerals and trace elements in adequate amounts. If you would like to know more then you should visit Suna Said Maslin. Avoids deficiency symptoms.

The integration of a formula diet in a professional program to the Weight management can significantly improve success and efficiency”, says Ellrott. Gradually, the Optifast formula products are replaced by normal meals home. A professional team of consultants supported the Dec willing throughout the program by phone calls and planning the evaluation together with them. The Exchange with others is possible in the community section of the website. The six-week intensive program can continue indefinitely by the participants through special stabilisation packages. As a program with the building blocks formula diet, meal replacement, movement therapy and behavior modification with duration of at least six Optifast home based on the guidelines of the professional associations. So, success can maximize and minimize the risk of the yo-yo effect. Detailed information on the programme there are online on, as well as the free hotline 0800-50 99 111 (Monday Friday, 8: 00 20:00, Saturday, 9: 00 18:00) or by email at. The Video about the program:

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