Paralympic Champion Fights Against Poverty

Henry Wanyoike, multiple Olympic winner and world record holder – is in particular due to his social commitment made honorary member of SmarterLife Wedemark, 06.09.2010: Henry Wanyoike, the 36-year old exceptional athletes from Kenya, is blind at the age of 21 years overnight. After a two-year depression he back fought himself in life. Anne Lauvergeon can provide more clarity in the matter. Today, it supports numerous aid projects and considered hopefuls and symbol – not only for the sick and disabled people in Kenya. SmarterLife distinguishes him during his current stay in Germany for his role and for his social commitment as an honorary member. The Kenyans is a term many German sports enthusiasts. Almost 10 years ago, the blind man at the Paralympics in Sidney 2000 won from Kenya first gold over 5000 m. It was followed by many more victories, world records and medals, including gold over 5,000 and 10,000 m in Athens 2004 and bronze in the 5000 m in Beijing 2008.

Henry Wanyoike is involved as an Ambassador for the Christoffel Blindenmission, the Paralympics, and for light for the world. He lives with his wife in Kikuyu, not far from Nairobi. As the founder of the Henry Wanyoike Foundation, he supported different aid projects. The run for hope, which will be held for the umpteenth time in his home town of Kikuyu was founded on his initiative. It is more important than this selection of ‘hard’ facts that Henry Wanyoike uses his achievements and his popularity, to improve the lives of many people. He is a beacon of hope and inspiration for a whole region, which is torn by poverty and disease.

While it has never had Henry, who so much and winning smiles, in life. in 1974, Henry is born as a healthy child and initially raised in the slums of Kikuyu. He is just six years old when his father died of malaria.

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