September Therapy

The correct intake reduces side effects Frankfurt am Main, 02 September 2013 when patients hear they need a cortisone therapy, once they have concerns. Many side effects are known from the past, but this was due mostly ignorance. The therapy was still new, the cortisone was simply too high dosed. Today there are many corticosteroids, which have different effective strengths and also very differently used. Thus you can minimize now the severity and incidence of side-effects with excellent effect. Nevertheless, are and remain strong-acting medicines corticosteroids. Erika Fink, President of the land Hesse, pharmacists informs patients about cortisone, and gives revenue and application tips. Publishers Clearing House recognizes the significance of this. What is cortisone? Cortisone is actually an endogenous hormone which is formed in the adrenal cortex.

It counteracts including inflammation, but also affect cardiovascular, metabolism, blood and eyes. Due to these effects, it is versatile applicable in drug therapy. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Suna Said Maslin by clicking through. Where cortisone used and how? Asthma: Cortisone acts as a spray especially well as an anti-inflammatory and to facilitate breathing. It acts directly on the site of the inflammation, namely in the bronchi and decreases mucus production. The side effects are lower than when administering tablets are prescribed only in severe cases by the local application. Hay fever: Here is the local application of advantage. The active ingredient of directly on the nasal mucosa in the eyes or the bronchi is brought as a spray or drops. Skin diseases: Eczema, psoriasis, allergies, rashes or eczema can be treated well with ointments, creams, gels and sprays.

Rheumatism: strong inflammation in joints occur in rheumatism. Corticosteroids reduce the inflammation and thus the pain. As well, the disease process is slowed down. The therapy is carried out with tablets or injections. Right taking between six and eight o’clock in the morning the body produces itself cortisone. During this period patients should take also your cortisone preparations. Then they disturb the Organism most”, advises Erika Fink.

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