South Congress Real Estate

The Real estate South Congress already mobilized professionals of the area in 3 editions, and now it prepares 4 edition of the event, that happens in Estuary of the Iguau in days 29 and 30 of September and 1 of October of 2011. The Consim has for objective to analyze the situation of the real estate market and to guide the involved ones, to improve the incomes of the sector. For this, it congregates representatives of Real estate of Curitiba, Estuary of iguau, Maring, and of other cities, not only of the Paran, as of the south region of our country and neighboring countries. The focus of 4 Consim is the development that if announces with the arrival of the two great events confirmed for Brazil: of the 2014 Olimpadas and the Pantry World of 2016. For the organizadores of the event, these events will bring to the real estate market of the great cities, a development notable. But, they alert, that to be able to use to advantage this growth, are necessary to be prepared to face and to lead the chances in favor of the businesses. The president of the CRECI-PR, Alfredo Canezin, if says honored in receiving the neighboring representatives of states and countries for this edition from the event, that, according to it, has the basic paper to ahead argue the forecast of the situation of the real estate market of the events, and enabling the professionals, so that the market change has positive impact, and either duly used to advantage by the real estate ones of the Paran, of Santa Catarina and the Rio Grande Do Sul, that are the participant states of the event.

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